Archivio Zeta
LA FERITA – the wound
LOGOS – Rhapsody for Volterra
a common theatrical project inspired by Legarsi alla Montagna of Maria Lai
direction and management Gianluca Guidotti and Enrica Sangiovanni/Archivio Zeta
music Patrizio Barontini
texts by Giordano Bruno, Leonardo da Vinci, Vincenzo Consolo
The performance involves the citizens of Volterra and the public. 20km. of red ribbon to tie the most significant places of Volterra.
in range of the event:
Urban Experience
with Carlo Infante
itinerant conversation
Twitter: #volterrateatro #laferita #urbexp
Volterra, town center
25th july,from 6 p.m. – meeting point Piazza dei Priori
::: A short documentary film :::